
New Sing Up Area Leader London Training Programme Announced

Sing Up Area Leader London organises Workforce Development Training for teachers and singing leaders in London and provides information, advice and guidance, connecting teachers, singing leaders and their schools to local networks.

Posted: 10/03/2022

Get them singing, keep them singing, lead with confidence – 21 Sept

This practical training day will introduce a range of accessible repertoire that you can use with your KS2 classes and choirs.

Whole school singing, linked to the Sing Up Awards – 30 Sept

How do we get everyone on board and involved in singing well? This workshop will help you!

Singing with SEAL: Promoting Emotional and Social Wellbeing with Music – 13 Oct

This workshop will be a practical and fun day led by Fischy Music, a music charity who specialise in linking music with PSHE and SEAL.

Singing at the Heart of the Curriculum – 9 Nov

Sue Nicholls returns to lead a repeat of her practical workshop session, jam-packed with lively, accessible and appealing material that connects singing to the subject areas of the primary curriculum.

Starting a Choir for Primary Age Children – 17 Nov
This training day will focus on how to start a choir for primary age children, either in schools or in out-of-school settings.

Sing Up Area Leader London will be charging a fee of £25.95 (which includes a 0.95p Pay Pal booking fee) to attend the Sing Up Area Leader London training courses. The Area Leader London courses continue to be subsidised by Sing Up. This course fee includes refreshments, lunch and all workshop materials.

Visit, download the booking form, complete it and send it by email to

Booking is essential as there are a limited number of places for each session.

"Just to say a huge thanks ... I am looking forward to progressing with this project thanks to your support, advice and guidance"

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