Sector News

Mayor Publishes New Culture Strategy for London

Culture for all Londoners (published December 2018) is the Mayor's landmark strategy for culture. It outlines an ambitious vision, which aims to provide Londoners with access to culture on their doorsteps.

Posted: 01/08/2019

“At the heart of Culture for all Londoners is a city that sustains its global creative success, and which works for everyone. 

London is a place of immense opportunity. Here every child, young person and adult deserves the chance to enrich their lives through culture. Every Londoner should feel that the capital’s artistic riches and diverse heritage belong to them. Culture should not be out of reach for anyone, and informal activities, spaces and venues need to be valued. 
London must continue to be a global capital, while also striving to be a city where local talent can put down roots. This means tackling the barriers that prevent Londoners from securing creative jobs. All kinds of places and spaces must be able to thrive in London, from worldclass museums, galleries and festivals, to the pub on the corner or the skatepark down the road. 
The trend that has seen hundreds of much-loved venues and spaces close down over the last decade must be reversed. Everyone must work in partnership – local authorities, cultural organisations, and Londoners – to safeguard and sustain the places that make the city so special. Alongside the Mayor’s other strategies and plans, this Culture Strategy outlines an ambitious programme to sustain a city that works hard, and plays hard, for everyone; a city that is built on the principle of culture for all Londoners. 
It is themed around four priorities: 
• Love London – more people experiencing and creating culture on their doorstep. 
• Culture and Good Growth – supporting, saving and sustaining cultural places and spaces. 
• Creative Londoners – investing in a diverse creative workforce for the future. 
• World City – a global creative powerhouse today and in the future.”
– From the Executive Summary, p11

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