JKP released the first guidelines for producing dyslexia-friendly texts and workplaces in the publishing industry.
Posted: 10/03/2022
JKP have produced a useful resource around making texts accessible for people with dyslexia and who are neurodiverse.
Dyslexia affects at least one in ten people. Dyslexics can have difficulties with reading and other areas like spelling or organisation. If someone has dyslexia, there’s a 40% chance they could have another learning difference. If someone has ADHD there is a 70% chance they have another comorbid condition.
This resource was made with publishers in mind, but is a fantastic offer for anyone creating text of any form. These guidelines can help you make your text and workplace more accessible.
Alongside this, these guidelines may be of interest to you if you work with young people with dyslexia or who are otherwise neurodiverse. These guidelines come at a tiem when the publishing industry is becoming more aware of dyslexia and how to support people with dyslexia. This information may be interesting to your young people!
To access the resource click here.