Sector News

Evaluating Remote and Online Creative Activities During the Pandemic, Culture Health & Wellbeing Alliance

Report on remote and online creative activities during Covid-19 pandemic. 

Posted: 01/08/2021

Changes in approaches to evaluating creative activities delivered remotely or online during COVID-19 have been prompted by increased flexibility from funders and the continuing need to find appropriate, accessible and sustainable ways to access participant experience.

The report covers two of the findings uncovered through a recent curated online conversation, hosted by Willis NewsonCreative and CredibleArts and Health South West and the Culture Health and Wellbeing Alliance, in association with Professor Norma Daykin and Dr Karen Gray.

The event, on 8 September 2020, brought together an invited group of 36 mainly UK-based arts practitioners, evaluators and researchers. Short keynote presentations from the field were followed by facilitated breakout discussions and a plenary. A full report of the discussion is available to download here.


For more information and to read the blog piece, visit the website.

"Just to say a huge thanks ... I am looking forward to progressing with this project thanks to your support, advice and guidance"

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