Sector News

Council calls for interest in taking over library buildings for Community use

Lewisham Council is seeking organisations and community groups that may be interested in taking over one or more of the five library buildings being considered for closure.

Posted: 12/10/2010

The Council is prepared to transfer buildings to organisations on a lease or, exceptionally, freehold where possible. Anyone interested would need to prepare a business case setting out how the ongoing running costs would be funded. Continued community use will be a requirement, but the buildings could also be used for other purposes that could generate revenue.

 Information packs will be available from 10 December 2010.

To register to receive a pack please email

The deadline for expressions of interest is Thursday 20 January 2011.

The proposal to close libraries has been made as part of the Council’s efforts to balance its budget in the face of huge reductions in its funding from Government. Over the next four years the Council may have to reduce its budget by as much as £78million.

"Just to say a huge thanks ... I am looking forward to progressing with this project thanks to your support, advice and guidance"

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