A significant drop in the number of young people participating in dance is being masked in government statistics by an increase in those making films and going to the cinema.
Posted: 09/02/2015
According to the latest figures from the Taking Part survey, almost all children and young people aged between five and 15 (98%) engaged with the arts last year. While this figure has stayed steady over the past six years, the proportion participating in dance has dropped dramatically and there have been significant decreases in 5 to 10 year olds taking part in music and drama activities outside of school.
Read more about this in an article by Frances Richens in Arts Professional
Tell us if you are involved in dance with children and young people in Lewisham and have experienced a drop in participation. Is Lewisham different? Do our dance organisations and festivals such as Lewisham Live help us to buck the trend? Let us know what you think.