Seed Grants of up to £1,000 to empower local organisations, schools and artists to lead their own activity as part of the Mayor of London's Borough of Culture in Lewisham.
Seed Grants: Submit by 19 July 2021.

Open Until:
Posted: 06/03/2021
With just seven months to go until Lewisham hosts the Mayor of London’s Borough of Culture, Lewisham want to ensure that there are inclusive opportunities to be part of the year.
Lewisham-based voluntary and community sector organisations and schools can now apply for Seed Grants of £1,000 to work in collaboration with local artists.
The initiative is funded by Lewisham Council, Deptford Challenge Trust, Lewisham Homes and Phoenix Community Housing.
Funded projects will show off the rich cultural diversity of the borough, with applications welcome for live performance, film screenings, street art, creative writing and greening projects to transform neglected spaces.
Grants will be awarded in two separate rounds. Applications for Round One are now open for proposals for projects January – June 2022. A second round, focused on July September 2022 will open early next year.
If you are a voluntary or community sector organisation or school you can complete an application for a Seed Grant (£1,000).
If you would like additional support or help being matched with an artist for your Seed Grant application, sign up to attend a Seed Grant Workshop.
If you are an artist you can apply for a Seed Grant (£1,000) by pairing yourself with a voluntary and community sector organisation or school.
If you would like support finding a match, sign up to attend a Seed Grant Workshop.
You can autonomously submit an Expression of Interest for a Small Grant (£5,000) and Lewisham can help match you at a later stage.
Seed Grants: Submit by 19 July 2021.