Looking for two creative facilitators with proven experience of designing and delivering face to face workshops and programmes that will have a positive impact on RefugeeYouth's young people.
Deadline: 26th October 2020

Open Until:
Posted: 10/03/2022
RefugeeYouth is a youth-led charity organisation based in south London dedicated to supporting young people from refugee and migrant backgrounds. Using creative arts, participatory action and community building they connect with young people and facilitate the exploration of the issues that affect them most. RefugeeYouth also encourage young people to take leadership and ownership over the many different activities they organise. Through their work they strive to increase the resilience, self esteem and emotional wellbeing of the young people, as well as help build their confidence and reduce their feelings of isolation.
APOW (Amazing People Of the World) is an ongoing weekly project run by RefugeeYouth in Croydon which was moved online due to Lockdown. Since the easing of social distancing regulations they have been slowly reintroducing focused face to face sessions for up to 15 young people (split into two groups) and are looking for two creative facilitators with proven experience of designing and delivering face to face workshops and programmes that will have a positive impact on the young people.
Thanks to funding from Croydon Culture Relief Fund, over the next couple months, as part of APOW, RefugeeYouth are planning to run a visual arts project around the impressions of Croydon after lockdown whereby the young people work together using a creative medium (such as photography, video, collage, drawing, painting etc) to capture their response to their newly found again environment.
They have two positions available and are also accepting joint applications / collaborations.
Click here for the job description. For more information and application form.
Salary: £500 for six sessions and prep. Materials budget £125 per facilitator.