Cross Arts Professional Development Weekends:
Secondary School, Youth Groups and Composition, Training weekend
Open Until:
Posted: 11/11/2013
How best to engage teenagers with the arts?
Barbican/Guildhall Creative Learning offers an exciting professional development weekend programme. Bringing together leaders from different art forms to explore collaborative approaches of working, these weekends support the ongoing learning and development of emerging artists.
The training weekends will be both practical and discursive, led by experienced artists who work with particular community groups.
Each session runs from 10.304.30pm. The weekends are designed to enable students, emerging practitioners, educators, artists/performers and leaders to participate and discuss ways of adapting their approaches to varying levels of ability and age groups. There is no requirement for any previous experience working cross discipline for the cross arts weekends.
Each weekend costs £100 per person. For further details, please email Clare on the email below.
Participants are invited to attend a performance on December 6th in the Guildhall Festival by the (Im)Possibilities Collective.(Collective of creative musicians from early teens, current Guildhall students to graduates)
6th, 7th and 8th of December 10.30 – 4.30