Expression of interest. Deadline 28 February 2014.
Open Until:
Posted: 03/02/2014
Greenwich & Lewisham Young People’s Theatre are inviting
London wide companies to perform in our Youth Theatre Festival, as part of the
Greenwich Children’s Theatre Festival.
Each year we hold this event to give a platform for young
performers, actors, dancers, musicians to showcase their hard work, and to get
the chance to meet and watch the work of other like-minded young people.
There will be two days of performances at The Tramshed,
Friday 5th
and Saturday 6th of April
We are looking for groups to bring performances to any one
of the following sessions:
Saturday 5th at 2pm – 4pm
Saturday 5th at 7pm – 9pm
Sunday 6th at 2pm – 4pm
Performances can range from 15 minutes to 50 minutes and can
be for groups with an age range of 11 – 21 years. Groups will be offered the
chance to stay for refreshments and to meet the other performance groups at the
end of their event.
If you would like to attend or require further information
please contact: Claire Newby on
020 8854 1316 or alternatively complete and return the
attached form to register your interest.
In exceptional circumstances we may be able to support some
groups with travel expenses to help them take part, however this will depend on
the final level of festival funding yet to be confirmed. Please contact Claire
for more details.
We hope that you and your young people will be keen to join
us and share some of the best youth theatre performance work happening
across London.