
Digital Artist Bursaries – Phakama

Phakama are looking for creative ways for artists to move their practice to digital formats and to reach out to participants who are feeling isolated. They are offering seed funding of £500-£1000.

Open Until:

Posted: 10/03/2022


Phakama want to GIVE artists the space, time and means to create, experiment and be.They want to GAIN greater perspectives of (new) digital practices, raise their profile and
expand their Associate Artist pool.

Projects that:

  • Further develop your practice
  • Are innovative in terms of how you engage with participants. This could include
    using new methods of engagement and interesting collaborations.
  • Addresses at least 1 of Phakama’s missions.
  • Are cost effective with a clear legacy or scope for continuation.
  • Are any art form/cross-arts that engage with participants.
  • Have an emphasis on the process rather than the final outcome.
  • Are responding to the world around us. This could include the political, cultural or
    environmental climate that we are currently living in.


For more information download the brief here.

"Just to say a huge thanks ... I am looking forward to progressing with this project thanks to your support, advice and guidance"

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