The programme provides grants or donations of up to £1,000
Open Until:
Posted: 10/03/2022
The aim of the CHCP Foundation small grants programme is to provide
an opportunity for local voluntary and community organisations and/or
other not-for-profit organisations to contribute towards the health and
wellbeing of people throughout the United Kingdom.
The programme provides grants or donations of up to £1,000 maximum to
carry out activities, projects or one-off events requiring an element
of sponsorship.
The next deadline for CHCP Foundation small grant applications is 1 March 2015.
Who can apply for a small grant/donation?
In order to apply for a CHCP Foundation small grant or donation you must meet the following eligibility criteria:
- Be a Not for Profit Organisation, Community or Voluntary Group
- Have a written set of rules, governing document or constitution (copies should be submitted with your application)
- The group or organisation needs to have been in existence for at least one year
- Have an annual income of less than £30K
- Work for the benefit of the local communities in which CHCP CIC operates
- The activity/event needs to be in relation to health or wellbeing.
This could include dance/drama/football club. This could also include a
health or wellbeing learning activity or event. - Needs to be led by volunteers
- The timeframe for applications being submitted needs to be
appropriate to the delivery timeframe for the project or event. As a
general rule we would expect successful applicants to spend the award
within 3 months of receipt. - We will not fund 100% of project costs – the contribution towards
total costs you require should be specified in Section 4, including how
much other money has been secured and what specifically the CHCP award
would be used for. Average award amounts made in 13/14 is £573.
More information here:
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Information and
Statistics for Lewisham to help you write your funding application:
More funding
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