A GLIMMER is the pilot of a new artist development programme that will support artists to look to the future by addressing the barriers faced during COVID-19. Linked with A Bit Of A Do, an inclusive and accessible festival.
Deadline: 15th February 2021

Open Until:
Posted: 10/03/2022
(N.B. for the BSL video click here.)
A GLIMMER is the pilot of a new artist development programme that will support artists to look to the future by addressing the barriers faced during COVID-19. The programme is linked to their annual performance festival A Bit Of A Do. Drunken Chorus want to support artists to:
- create work for the festival and similar events
- create new and exciting models of performance that respond to new restrictions, technologies and ways of working
- work to ensure that performance continues to be created and reach diverse audiences
5 MASTERCLASSES (via Zoom) with established artists / professionals, focusing on creating innovative ideas for work that responds to changing and unpredictable restrictions and barriers;
5 SEMINARS / Q&A sessions (via Zoom) with Drunken Chorus guiding artists through the programme, facilitating discussions and peer support;
- SHORT VIDEOS with practical tips (on making work / mental health / staying motivated / maintaining a creative habit etc);
- AN ONLINE COMMUNITY SPACE for artist discussions, questions, programme content, resource sharing, and regular peer feedback;
- 1-1 SESSIONS with Drunken Chorus (via Zoom)
- ARTIST GATHERINGS (via Zoom) to socialise, network, build community (following masterclasses and seminars);
- PERFORMANCE MAKING All artists will work on performance ideas, with mentoring support from Drunken Chorus and peer feedback;
- 3 PEER SUPPORT WINDOWS, during which artists can post ideas in the community for feedback from peers;
- WORK SHARE The programme will culminate in sharing of work by all artists. This will be a low-pressure / flexible format event, with the format responding to the work of the artists.
- FUTURE PERFORMANCE they will support all artists to consider the future of their work beyond this programme, and will consider all artists for potential programming at future festivals. Where appropriate, we will make recommendations and introductions to producers, festivals and venues.
They will provide support for 20 artists, who are:
Working in any kind of performance including (but not limited to) dance, theatre and cabaret. We are also happy to accept applications from artists who make interdisciplinary work, artists who normally make other types work but are interested in exploring performance, or artists interested in collaborating;
- Facing challenges to creating work / sustaining a career due to COVID-19;
- Experiencing isolation, mental health issues, loneliness, demotivation;
- Interested in researching / creating innovative work to reach a wide audience within changing COVID restrictions. By this they mean creating new work that explores new and exciting ways of presenting live performance;
- Interested in contributing to discussions about the future of live performance, and giving us your thoughts and ideas around the future of the festival;
- At any stage of their creative careers although ideally you will have been making work outside of education for at least a year.
Drunken Chorus are particularly keen to support artists who identify as disabled, Deaf, visually impaired, as well as artists who are underrepresented in the arts. If any of the above applies to you, please tell them about this in your application.
ACCESS (BSL Video: 7.56)
They will provide BSL-English interpretation, and will ensure all content is audio described. They will consult all artists on additional access requirements.
Artists may submit applications in writing (by email), as video (e.g. in BSL) or as audio files. If you would like to submit your application in a format other than those listed, or if you need any other support with your application, please contact them (contact details below).
Please do let them know if there are any other ways in which we can support you to access the programme.
18 February 2021: Artists selected
24 February 12 May 2021: Wednesday evening masterclasses and Q&As
- Late May 2021: Work sharings
To apply for this support programme please send the following information
A paragraph about you and your work. This should include the type of performance you make, your experience, and examples of projects youve worked on in the past;
A paragraph about what work youre interested in making now and in the future this might include ideas you have about how your work will respond to the challenges we face in presenting live performance, or some work that youd like to make and want to spend some time considering how it can be presented and/or reimagined in the wake of COVID-19 and the restrictions and changeable cultural landscape;
A paragraph about why you want to take part in this project Why is it the right time to receive this support / mentoring? What challenges are you facing in the wake of COVID-19? How do you think the programme might help you?
One link to your work online (video, website, text, photos etc)
They are keen to provide support for artists from groups or communities that are currently underrepresented in the arts. If you consider yourself to be part of an unrepresented group, and if you feel comfortable doing so, please tell them a little about this.
Applications can be made in the following formats:
In writing via email to Chris Williams chris@drunkenchorus.co.uk please include all of the above information in a word or PDF document as an attachment to your email. Please only attach one document.
- By video please send as a private video link (include a password if required), or video file transfer via WeTransfer or similar by email to chris@drunkenchrous.co.uk. Video applications can be made in British Sign Language or spoken English.
- Other formats They are happy to consider other formats of application. Please contact them to discuss this email Chris Williams at chris@drunkenchorus.co.uk or call Sheena Holliday on 07813409304.
DEADLINE FOR APPLICATIONS: 10am on Monday 15 February 2021
A Bit Of A Do (BSL Video: 14.00) is an annual inclusive and accessible festival of theatre, dance and cabaret by disabled and non-disabled artists. Past artists have included Candoco Dance, Touretteshero, Lanre Malaolu, Caroline Parker and Ursula Martinez.
Drunken Chorus (BSL Video: 14.50) create a range of performance work, exploring and unpicking different genres. The company have made shows in the form of stand-up comedy sets and failed double-acts; they have created a wordless horror performance; a party-fuelled show filled with balloons, ham sandwiches and glitter curtains; and a show about mental-health and 90s indie music, including a chorus of singing fish!
For more information, visit the website.
[Image Description: Drunken Chorus written in pink neon capital letters with a neon yellow border on a black background.]