Members Profile

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    Marc Cowan

    Honesty, value and the questioning of conventions are common threads that run through my work.
    My innate curiosity to experiment with ideas, processes and materials, using a minimal palette, result in a tactile-rich aesthetic. The medium for each project is almost always determined by the concept, leading to a trans-disciplinary practice.
    Believing that creativity is intrinsic to us all, I seek out opportunities to create artistic interventions in the public realm, to break down the barriers often felt within the arts.

    Amy Lloyd

    I have worked in a variety of settings, with a specialism in engaging schools in libraries, galleries and museums. Currently working for Lewisham Libraries, and in a freelance capacity.

    Testing Dom

    Profile info

    Huxley Test 2

    Huxley Testing 3

    Huxley Testing 4

    Toby Kilby-Pollard

    I work as part of the community action team for St Christopher's, a charity and hospice based in South East London and working across several boroughs. In my role as Community Artist, I work with communities and young people, using art as a tool to consider ideas of death, dying and loss.

    Elena Alava Hilgert

    As a community dance artist, I aim to support people in finding joy in creative movement and strive to create accessible dance experiences for a range of communities.

    A N N A N G U Y E N

    British Vietnamese Theatre-maker and community engagement producer, born and raised in the borough of Lewisham.

    The stories I tell and the work I produce has a strong focus on the Vietnamese and ESEA diaspora I currently work at the museum of the home, as the community producer of the East and South Asian programme.

    Other skills include - Photography

    Rebecca Sainsot-Reynolds

    Artist, educator, maker and facilitator.

    Amy Corcoran

    St George's CofE Primary School

    Who we are:
    Being at St. George’s can be summed up clearly in our vision and culture statements.

    Our vision statement is a call to action for all of our community:

    Be brave. Be great. Be you.

    Our culture statement clearly sets out what it is like to be part of our family:

    We are fun. We are together.

    Our intent is to deliver the content outlined in the Art and Design programmes of study within the national curriculum, augmented with powerful knowledge carefully selected to build upon our pupils’ starting points of cultural capital.

    To this end, we use the planning and implementation materials from the Curriculum with Unity Schools Partnership for Art and Design. This is a knowledge-engaged progress model which clearly outlines the key knowledge and vocabulary for each stage of learning in sequence, separating the content into six blocks of artistic disciplines. It has been deliberately adapted in order for pupils to see themselves in the curriculum and prepare them for life in modern Britain.

    In Art, we represent the view that art, craft and design embody some of the highest forms of human creativity. In our teaching, we expose the children to a wide range of art and design artists and outcomes, aiming to develop creativity and confidence through technique, experimentation and reflection. They will be using sketchbooks to experiment and reflect on their learning. Pupils will increase their awareness of a multitude of representative historic and contemporary art and design, gaining an increased understanding and awareness of how art and design both reflect and shape our history, and contribute to the culture, creativity and wealth of our nation.

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    "Just to say a huge thanks ... I am looking forward to progressing with this project thanks to your support, advice and guidance"

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