When working with schools, it is useful to understand how the school system in England works.
Posted: 08/03/2022
Category: Education Policy and Structures
Learning Developmental Matters (ages 0-5)
The British Association for Early Childhood Education have
released Developmental Matters which is non-statutory guidance to support
practitioners to implement the statutory requirements of the Early Years Foundation
Stage (Ages 0-5). Read more in Developmental Matters.
The Early Years Foundation Stages is the beginning of a
childs learning. This encompasses Nursery and Reception. During this stage
children are often involved with free flow play where they explore their environment
and short teaching sessions where they are introduced with phonics.
Learning – National Curriculum
The governments department of education released the National
Curriculum in 2014 which is a set of subjects and standards used by primary and
secondary schools to ensure consistency in teaching and learning. The National
Curriculum organises school years into key stages and at the end of each
stage, children are formally assessed. See below to see how the year groups and
stages are organised. Read more in the National Curriculum.
Academies and private schools do not have to follow the
national curriculum but must teach a broad and balanced curriculum including
English, maths, science and religious education.
Key Stage 1 encompasses Year 1 (ages 5-6) and Year 2 (ages
6-7). In year 1, children take their Phonics Screening Test and in Year 2 they
take KS1 SATs which are formal tests in Maths and English that are marked by the
Key Stage 2 encompasses Year 3 (ages 7-8), Year 4 (ages
8-9), Year 5 (ages 9-10) and Year 6 (ages 10-11). In Year 6, children sit KS2 SATs which are formal Maths and English exams moderated externally.
Additionally, pupils in Year 6 may take secondary school selection tests such
as the 11 plus.
Key Stage 3 encompasses Year 7 (ages 11-12), Year 8 (ages
12-13) and Year 9 (ages 13-14).
Key Stage 4 encompasses Year 10 (ages 14-15) and Year 11 (ages 15-16). In Year 10, some children take GCSEs and in Year 11 most children take their GCSEs or other national qualifications.
Learning Further Education
Children are required to remain in education or training
until the age of 18. During this time there are many educational options that
include, Sixthform (A levels, International Baccalaureate or BTECs in Year 12 and 13), College
(Technical and Applied Qualifications) or apprenticeships. Read more about
further education.
Types of Schools
State schools are schools that receive funding through their
local authority or government and are free to attend for all children in England
between the ages of 5 and 16.
State schools include community schools, foundation and
voluntary schools, academies and free schools and grammar schools.
Read more
about types of schools.
Private schools (independent schools) are not funded by the
government and instead charge fees to attend. All private schools must be registered
with the government and are inspected regularly but pupils do not have to
follow the national curriculum.