An ongoing list compiled by LEAN research into early years and the arts
Posted: 08/03/2022
Category: Early Years
This ongoing list aims to provide a resource point for arts and culture
research and evidence. We well come suggestions from our community. Do
you have something to add? Please email
Mac Makes Music’s Tune into Listening action research project
(supported by Youth Music and in partnership with several Children’s Centres and
nurseries) spent a year exploring young children’s listening preferences, how they listen, and
how music can be used effectively in Early Years settings. See the resource they produced here
practice meets theory: The social benefits of very young children making music
together Move Groove Improve: A
research project to determine whether additional music input can help to
close the attainment gap for children identified at two years old of being at
risk of being left behind their more affluent or mainstream peers
on LEANs website:
Other articles on research and impact (not early years) can
be found here
We have an information and resources section