Lewisham's last Arts Strategy focused on making Lewisham a creative borough with a thriving arts sector, vibrant communities and active residents.
Posted: 08/03/2022
Category: Lewisham Policy
Lewisham’s 2009-2015 Arts Strategy identified four strategic aims:
Sense of place – to develop Lewisham’s identity as a vital, creative place to live, work and learn through innovative and sustainable design and the provision of high quality creative destinations.
Creative economy – to develop and strengthen the sustainable economy for Lewisham through the support and encouragement of the cultural and creative sector.
Creativity and skills – to support active participation in the arts and promote opportunities for children and adults to develop their creativity and acquire new skills.
Active, cohesive communities – to harness the power of the arts to support community cohesion, wellbeing and community safety.
Please note this document is not current and should be used for reference only- there is not currently a formal Arts Strategy for Lewisham.