Exploring the opportunities Digital presents is essential for charities and there is a wealth of free advice and guidance available to get us started.

Posted: 01/04/2017
Category: Fundraising, Governance
The Charity Commission, Grant Thornton and Zoe Amar
Communications have created a new resource, 12
Questions about digital for trustees . The tool outlines what questions charity boards should be
asking about digital and aims to facilitate conversations between
trustees as well as between the board and charity staff, and to raise awareness
amongst trustees of the strategic importance of digital.
The resource sums up what they mean by ‘digital’:
“At its simplest, digital means using technology, covering
everything from software to hardware to communications. Many charities are also
exploring the opportunities that digital presents for creating value, (whether
thats generating income or strengthening key relationships), or enhancing
their services. In short, its about new ways of working, using digital to
deliver your charitys vision, mission and strategy”
Whilst this tool is broadly about Governance, covering: induction of new trustees; people; strategy; culture; sevice delivery; brand; reputation; fundraising; cyber security; evaluation; and resources, others have published further guidance to help charities keep pace with digital change.
Flagship Consulting has created a a free guide to digital marketing for charities, Digital Giving: a 12 step response to the Charity
Commissions Making Digital Work. The guide provides advice on brand development and digital fundraising and points out that Digital presents a number of
advantages for charities, including:
- Far more
cost-effective (or free) marketing and fundraising than can be achieved
offline. - Enhanced ability
to reach donors and beneficiaries - Unprecedented access to useful information
Trying to keep on top of changes in digital resources and how we use digital tools is time consuming and sometimes bewildering. I have found that Charity Digital News (in partnership with the Technology Trust) is a good resource for news, information and guidance about using digital. They provide a monthly round up that does not include too many items. LEAN also trys to highlight interesting digital stories relevant to our sector such as infographics on ‘who is giving’.
Zoe Amar and David Evans have also created a Charity Digital Tool Kit.
Read more about it here.