The next SPARC CoP, exploring arts and resilience in Lewisham
Date: 10/02/2025 – 10/02/2025
Time: 10:00
This session will develop from our previous work at our
symposium in summer 2015 and subsequent Community of Practice (CoP) meetings.
The CoP is a group of arts practitioners who work in Lewisham with children and young people.
CoP members have begun to list the features of artists
workshop practice that builds resilience in children and young people. This is
divided into the hellos, content and goodbyes of a session. We will work to develop this resource. CoP members’ are harnessing their expertise to produce
materials that they can use, as well as the arts learning sector in
Lewisham and beyond.
This session will be delivered by LEAN and is being devised
with Anne Rathbone, Senior Training and Consultancy Manager, BoingBoing.
We will connect to the BoingBoing resilience framework in the session (where
We intend to finish this stage of the
programme with a ‘test and learn’ day at the end of July where CoP members can
further experiment with the generated materials.
Booking is essential, please book here
Priority will be given to previous CoP members, but you are
welcome to join to CoP please indicate when booking.
About the CoP
Lewisham Education Arts Network and Trinity Laban
Conservatoire of Music and Dance invited artists and creatives to come together
to build a Community of Practice (CoP) as part of our SPARC project. This is
funded by HeadStart Lewisham.
out more about the CoP here
Venue: Trinity Laban Conservatoire of Music and Dance, Dance
Faculty, Creekside, Deptford