What Can Drama Do for Children and Young People and What Can Children and Young People Do for Drama?
Date: 08/02/2025 – 08/02/2025
Time: 13:00
Friday 1 February, 1pm -6pm; Saturday 2 February, 11am 6pm (arrive from 10.30am)
At this time of unprecedented cuts and educational reorganisation, the conference will support the value of theatre and drama with young people through critical evaluation and showcasing examples of best practice. As part of the STEP Festival, We are inviting individuals from a wide range of disciplines including education, the theatre community, the youth sector and others to participate in a critical conversation on how young people come to know about the potential of drama and theatre and what they can do with it.
The event will consider:
- Who needs theatre artists and drama teachers in a curriculum that doesnt mention drama until Key Stage 4?
- How do young people access the creative industries?
- How can schools better participate in informal provision in the performing arts?
- What are the main issues and problems associated with volunteering and internships and how can they be overcome?
The conference will be a lively mix of films, performance, discussion and debate, allowing delegates to share mini case studies and experiences of theatre and drama with young people in Southwark.
Case-studies will reflect on projects delivered by STEP Theatre Partners in Southwark schools and youth centres as part of the STEP Festival 2012/13: STEP Beyond.
Who is the event suitable for?
The intended audience is teachers, young people, and those shaping and thinking about the future of drama with young people.
How to book
More information here
If you are interested in attending the event then please contact cheryl@step-partnership.co.uk.
In your email please tell us of any access or dietary requirements you may have.
Places for this event are limited so once you have registered your interest we will get in touch to confirm whether you have been successful in securing a place.