For artists working in Lewisham with children and young people who are interested in Resilience

Date: 10/02/2025 – 10/02/2025
Time: 11:00
SPring: Artists’ Resilience Circle (SPARC) launches with our first event: SPARC
This event
intends to increase artists’ ability to apply resilience and emotional literacy to their arts practice and effectively measure the impact of this
work with children and young people.
- There
is a buzz about resilience: but what does it look like in arts learning? - Do you know how
your creative work with children and young people contributes to building
their resilience? - Do you have the
tools to measure your impact in this area and communicate your success to
funders? - Are you fully up
to date with research on resilience?
to join us at this symposium to:
- Learn
more about this buzz word which is being increasingly used by commissioners,
learning and health - Hear
2 keynote talks from the arts and resilience sectors - Discuss
and reflect on resilience and emotional literacy in the arts with facilitators
from across the sector - Find
out more about the community of practice
Through presentations and discussion we hope to understand better what artists
working within the wellbeing/mental health sectors currently know about
resilience, and what they perceive to be their professional development needs in
this area. During the symposium, we aim to increase knowledge and understanding of resilient practice and support everyone to identify and extend it within their work.
Adam Annand, is Associate Director Creative Learning, London Bubble Theatre Company. London Bubble delivers a drama project that supports childrens communication development ‘Speech Bubbles’. Adam will be considering how his current creative practice builds resilience in his young participants.
Mary Hinton, is one of three Headstart Advisors working to support the 12
Headstart areas across the country. She is employed by Boing Boing a
Community Interest Company dedicated to resilience research and practice and
led by Professor Angie Hart from Brighton University. She was a teacher for
many years and has also worked with young offenders and looked after children.
How to take part:
We wish to ensure the limited places are allocated to artists who have
an active interest in resilience, well-being and mental health with children and young people, and wish to
develop their work in this area. We are looking for a balance of experienced
and less experienced practitioners, as well as those working for cultural organisations.
One of the programme aims is to develop a community of
practice amongst artists, ideally participants will have an interest in finding out more about the community of practice and contributing to it in the future.
To express your interest in attending, please complete the form below and return to
Symposium ticket: £12
Low Wage/Concession: £9
(Lunch and refreshments will be provided)
Faculty of Dance and Laban Theatre, Laban Building Creekside London SE8 3DZ
This event is being run in partnership with LEAN and Trinity Laban Conservatoire of Music and Dance, Learning and Participation Dance. Headstart is funded by Big Lottery Fund
If you have received a personal invite from us, please use the button below.
All art forms welcome
committed to working with artists, arts organisations and those who commission
them to strengthen arts education in Lewisham. Previous participants at our
February event on Resilience, Wellbeing and the Arts said:
The event was really inspiring and
remind me that using the arts as a tool for change and resilience is tangible
and has track record of the impact.
It was a brilliant event, very well
organised and I would be really grateful to be invited again!
Thank you very useful and enjoyable
Thank you as ever. I always learn so