
Picturehouse Education Teacher Advisory Panel

Teachers are invited to join Picturehouse for a free glass of wine, a slice of pizza and a chat about Picturehouse's education programme over the coming year.

Date: 06/02/2025 – 06/02/2025


Picturehouse wants to make their offer for schools as valuable as possible for you, so they want your input to find out how they could be doing more to meet your needs and support your work on the curriculum. To thank you for your time, everyone who attends will get a free cinema ticket.

Picturehouse currently runs educational screenings around events such as Black History Month, Science and Engineering Week and Anti-Bullying Week, as well as regular AutismFriendly schools’ screenings. Picturehouse would love your feedback to help shape our plans and introduce new programmes, whether you’re a regular attendee of our screenings or have never been before.

If you can join the session, please email elinor.w@picturehouses.co.uk and leah.b@picturehouses.co.uk to reserve your place/s with the venue and date that you wish to attend as the subject of your email.

Please include in the body of the email: your name, job title, school and contact number and the same details for any colleagues attending with you. Initially places are limited to 3 per school for the Primary Group and 6 per school for the Secondary & College group, but if you want more you can be added to the waiting list.

Wednesday 23 May at Greenwich Picturehouse, 80-82 Greenwich High Road, SE10 8NN

Primary Schools Group – 5-6pm

Secondary Schools & Colleges Group – 6.30-7.30pm

"Just to say a huge thanks ... I am looking forward to progressing with this project thanks to your support, advice and guidance"

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