On 29 November 2016 #GivingTuesday will mobilise millions of people around the world to give their time, talents and money to local good causes.
Join Voluntary Action Lewisham and partners at this year's funding event, #GivingTuesday Diversify your funding 10am 12.30pm to find out how to maximise your fundraising on this day.
Date: 13/09/2024 – 13/09/2024
Time: 10:00
On 29 November 2016 #GivingTuesday will mobilise millions of people around the world to give their time, talents and money to local good causes.
This is your chance to capitalise on the success of this international giving campaign to help you boost your income and supporter base in Lewisham.
Would you like to raise over £75,000 for your community initiative? Thats just what Peckham Coal Line did.
How did they do it?
Come along on Tuesday 29 November to find out more about their story and how you can get started and succeed with your own crowdfunding campaign too!
Crowdfunding not for you?
Then find out more about how online giving schemes can help you boost your income through match-funding and support.
Join Voluntary Action Lewisham and partners at this year’s funding event: #GivingTuesday Diversify your funding 10am 12.30pm.