
Rights in Focus: A 2-Day Exchange at Autograph ABP

Join us for a 2-day exchange, aiming to start a conversation about the models and methods, which could constitute a rights-focused approach to arts participation. 

Posted: 10/03/2022

Bringing together diverse voices from arts, politics and community spaces, the programme of talks and workshops will critically reflect on the ways ‘rights’ inform arts participation and discourse in distinct ways. During the two days, we aim to raise questions and initiate discussion about how a rights-focused approach might:

– Engage those most marginalised, excluded or discriminated against
– Address the power imbalances that create these conditions
– Advocate for structural/ systemic change at personal / community / organisational / societal levels
– Highlight some of the ethical dilemmas of arts engagement work
– Generate interdisplinary learning related to arts participation

Throughout the course of the two days participants will be encouraged to share learning, skills and resources from their own practice.

Find out more and book online

Please note – 10 free spaces are available for artist-educators to attend. Apply with a paragraph about your work, any website details and why you want to attend by 5pm on Tues 27th March, (please only apply if you can attend both days as places are in high demand):

"Just to say a huge thanks ... I am looking forward to progressing with this project thanks to your support, advice and guidance"

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