
Nominiations open: Marsh Awards for Excellence in Gallery Education 2015

Do you know someone doing excellent work in gallery or visual art education & learning? engage, the National Association for Gallery Education and the Marsh Christian Trust are delighted to announce the Marsh Awards for Excellence in Gallery Education 2015.

Posted: 10/03/2022

The Awards
Awards of £500 each will be offered to
individuals working in learning or education in or for galleries or visual arts
organisations, who have shown dedication and innovation in their work.
The Awards
will be announced at the engage International Conference in Glasgow, in
November 2015.

Winners should use the
Award to support their Continuing Professional Development (CPD) and each will
be asked to complete a short feedback form by April 2016.

Since 2011, the Awards have successfully enabled winners
to develop their arts education practice through funding attendance of courses
and conferences, the joining of professional associations, visiting of good
practice in the UK and abroad, funding of research, and by inspiring personal
and professional confidence through the recognition of their work.

Who can be nominated?
Nominations are
encouraged for colleagues at all stages of their careers, working freelance, in
salaried positions or as volunteers. engage welcomes nominations for those
working with organisations of all sizes. Nominations for non-members of engage
are also invited. Nominators should be a colleague or a representative of an
organisation who has worked with the nominee.

If you made a nomination
in previous years please feel free to do so again – we would be pleased to
consider your nomination in 2015. engage wishes to thank colleagues for the
very high standard of applications received in the past four years.

How to make a nomination
Please return a completed
Nomination Form to by 12pm, Wednesday 2 September. Download
the form at:

you have any queries please contact Ailbhe Mac Eoin, Communications Officer, engage:  / 020 7729 5858020 7729 5858.

 engage is committed to equality of access. Should you
need nomination details in another format please contact engage on:

020 7729 5858020 7729 5858 /

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"Just to say a huge thanks ... I am looking forward to progressing with this project thanks to your support, advice and guidance"

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