
IBM Summer School 2017 for teachers

The course is aimed at teachers with a responsibility for computing. It will be delivered by IBM professionals alongside teachers from the award winning London Connected Learning Centre.

Posted: 10/03/2022

A three day summer school for primary computing subject leaders

Join the fourth IBM
Computing Summer School
 at at IBM HQ on the Southbank.
This highly popular course was awarded a Lord Mayor’s Dragon Award for
Education and Lifelong Learning in 2015.

The course will run from
Monday 3rd – Wednesday 5th July.

The course is completely

although we do ask for a £25 admin fee to secure a place.

complete the form

The course will help teachers to:

  • explore
    effective ways to support colleagues in teaching computing
  • better
    understand the computing attainment targets
  • get
    to grips with assessment and progression
  • develop
    imaginative and creative ways to embed computing across the curriculum

The programme will explore
the principles of computational thinking, digital literacy, online safety and
information systems within real world contexts, including IBM’s commercial and
social programmes. All those taking part in the summer school will be offered
an IBM mentor to provide ongoing support.

To get a taste of what to
expect, check out our Dragon Award Winners Video from 2015

more information, or to book
please contact Kim Morrison;

"Just to say a huge thanks ... I am looking forward to progressing with this project thanks to your support, advice and guidance"

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