Know what and when to pay and avoid the charges! in association with HMRC Your questions answered.
Posted: 07/07/2011
If you are thinking about becoming self-employed or have recently started your own business this workshop will help and is designed specifically for you, covering such subjects as: registration for Tax and National Insurance; tax credits and on-line services; expenses and how to avoid charges. Have your questions answered and understand your obligations.
Tuesday 12th July & Monday 19th September 2011
09:30 – 16:00
The Albany, Douglas Way, London, SE8 4AG
9.30am Registration starts
10.00am 12.30pm Seminar and Questions & Answers with a representative from HMRC
1pm-3pm Networking and Test Trading, reserve a stall. Refreshments served
1pm 4pm One-One sessions must be booked in advance, only 4 places available and offered if attending the seminar.
Please be sure to reserve your place NOW with or call us on 020 8691 3800
For more information on Head for Business and how they can help you please click here.