Extend it is part of Big Dance 2012, providing teachers and schools with new skills to create new choreography to present as part of the festival.
Posted: 02/09/2012
This dance workshop is for anyone teaching children at primary level (ages 4 to 11), and is led by Dance Artist Educator, Marie Forbes and presented by Siobhan Davies Dance.
Extend it aims to help teachers further develop their choreographic skills, gaining fresh ideas for developing dance work created by children into a performance everyone can be proud of.
Extend it is ideal for teachers who want to enhance their choreography for the school production, pep up their assemblies, or simply give pupils a positive experience of developing a dance for performance. No previous dance experience is necessary.
Four schools taking part in Extend it will be invited to participate in a mentoring process during the Summer term 2012, when Siobhan Davies Dances Dance Artist Educator will come into each school to assist the teacher with the development of an original dance work, to be performed as part of Big Dance 2012.
Booking is available at the Siobhan Davies Dance website. Taking part costs £60 (+ VAT) per person (includes the Extend it resource pack). A limited number of half price places are available for students.
The workshop takes place at Siobhan Davies Studios, 85 St Georges Road, London SE1 6ER.