Essentials of Financial Management is designed for people working or volunteering in the voluntary and community sector who have responsibility for maintaining financial records, including finance workers, co-ordinators and hands-on treasurers.
Posted: 10/03/2022
This course, run by Voluntary Action Lewisham, will teach the practical skills of how to prepare budgets and cashflow forecasts, bookkeeping and the early stages of producing charity accounts. You will be completing activities on paper copies of spreadsheets so do not need computer skills at this stage. To benefit fully, you will need adequate literacy and numeracy skills together with a basic understanding of the voluntary sector and how charities operate.
The full course is made up of five sessions:
Financial Policies and Procedures – Thursday 24th April 2014, 9.45am – 1pm
Setting and Monitoring a Budget – Thursday 1st May 2014, 9.45am – 1pm
Introduction to Bookkeeping – Thursday 8th May 2014, 9.45am – 1pm
Simple Year End Accounts – Thursday 15th May 2014, 9.45am – 1pm
Financial Reports for your Committee – Thursday 5th June 2014, 9.45am – 1pm
Location: VAL, 120 Rushey Green, Catford, London, SE6 4H
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