
Earlyarts Leadership Coaching Programme

Earlyarts is the largest national network for people working creatively with children and families in the arts, cultural and early years sectors. Earlyarts Leadership Coaching Programme aims to help some of its 5000 members build their own skills and fulfil their own potential as leaders of our children’s learning. The programme provides an opportunity for you to build your leadership skills and confidence with support from professional coaches.

Posted: 10/03/2022

Why coaching?

Coaching offers you a safe, supportive and challenging space to explore your own professional and personal development. Your coach will help you identify what goals you want to achieve through the sessions, and help facilitate the processes for achieving them.

For more information click here.

Who are Earlyarts Coaches?

Earlyarts Coaches are all accredited in Relational Dynamics coaching (RD 1st) which is aimed at developing your leadership capabilities by enhancing your emotional intelligence. Our coaches also have a deep understanding of the arts, cultural and educational sectors.

For more information click here.

How much does it cost?

The cost of a coaching session will vary between £50 and £120 depending on the experience of the coach, and the coach will confirm this on enquiry. Each coach charges different rates commensurate with experience and expertise offered, but that doesn’t mean to say that our cheapest coaches are not good coaches. They are all well trained and accredited and those who have been practicing for less time are still very skilled. Depending on your situation, you may prefer to have a recently qualified coach who can offer a less expensive contract. On the other hand, you may be in a high level leadership position where budget is less of a worry, and will naturally want a more experienced coach, possibly someone with a particular specialism.

The choice, as they say, is yours.

The Earlyarts coach will confirm their costs and agree a coaching contract with you before you begin your first session, including their cancellation policy and preferred payment methods. Silver and Gold members qualify for an hour’s free coaching as part of that contract. A contract can range from one hour, to one hour per month over several months, and can be extended as you go along if you both agree – it is designed entirely to support your needs. If you opt to use your one hour of free coaching, there is no obligation to extend your coaching contract unless you wish to do so.

Please read the attached PDF for more information or visit the website here.


"Just to say a huge thanks ... I am looking forward to progressing with this project thanks to your support, advice and guidance"

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