Sector News

The SPARC Community of Practice has begun

For those interested in arts and resilience with children and young people in Lewisham

Posted: 10/01/2015

Education Arts Network and Trinity Laban Conservatoire of Music and Dance invited
artists and creatives to come together to build a Community of Practice (CoP) as
part of our SPARC project.

SPARC aims
to increase artists’ ability to apply resilience and emotional
literacy practice to their arts practice, and effectively measure the impact of
this work with children and young people

The group
discussed what resilience is for them, what they’d like to discover with the
group and what the next steps may be.

Some of the things the group wished for were:

  • I wish to
    get a sense of the range of practice that is occurring throughout Lewisham
  • I wish
    that the CoP grows and achieves a life of its own
  • I wish to
    better understand what experiences or tools create greater resilience in order
    to more deliberately implement them
  • I wish we
    can draw on wider literature rather than keep trying to reinvent the wheel in
    terms of evidence and link to wider groups

suggestions for the form of the CoP included:

  • Sharing assets e.g. research via
    the LEAN website, and twitter using the following: #SPARCResilience and
    to connect with what’s going on more widely #Resilience #HeadstartLewisham
    (local initiative) #Headstartmatters (national initiative)
  • Document and disseminate the learning
  • Visits e.g. see work supporting
    resilience in action
  • Mapping and identifying gaps
  • Adapting and understanding the existing
    resilience framework for the arts
  • Sharing information and experiences,
    perhaps through presentations at our next meeting  and write ups for the LEAN website

The session
was chaired by Rachael Perrin, Creative Facilitator, Consultant and
Co-director of Soundcastle.

After a
number of visits this autumn, we will next be meeting in January 2016 to share
what we have learnt and plan what is next for the CoP.

Are you
interested in being involved if so, please email Elizabeth. Please
note those who attended the
SPARC CoP on 23rd September 2015 and those who live/work in
Lewisham have priority.

This initiative is made possible by Headstart Lewisham and Big Lottery.

"Just to say a huge thanks ... I am looking forward to progressing with this project thanks to your support, advice and guidance"

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