Sector News

Teachers: Arts Co-ordinators Network

Enthusiasm for a Lewisham Teachers Arts Co-ordinators Network is growing.

Posted: 10/03/2022

We are planning on launching the network with a short meeting just after the autumn 1/2 term with copious tea and cake.

Date of inagureal meeting of Lewisham Arts Co-ordinators Network confirmed:

4:15 – 6pm

Thursday 10 November

Brindishe Green School

Beacon Road

London, SE13 6EH

RSVP to Jane Hendrie.

If you haven’t already done so, please give us your views by completing the attached very brief survey. It includes some practical questions asking you how a network may be beneficial to you and how long, when and where the meetings could occur.

We really welcome your views and look forward to your response.

You may complete the form and return to us by:

Fax. (FAO Jane Hendrie, LEAN) 020 8469 225

Post to:

Jane Hendrie,

Lewisham Education Arts Network

The Albany, Douglas Way, London SE8 4AG

Downloading it from here and emailing the completed form to us.

Completing it on Survey Monkey .


"Just to say a huge thanks ... I am looking forward to progressing with this project thanks to your support, advice and guidance"

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