Sector News

Staff changes at Lewisham Council

Changes to Culture and Community Development and Children and Young People

Posted: 10/03/2022

Culture and Community Development:

Liz Dart,
Head of Culture and Community Development, will be working over the next year as
a job share with James Lee, the Prevention and Inclusion Manager. James will
spend 50% of his time as Head of Culture and Community Development.  Liz will retain responsibility for Community
Education Lewisham, the Libraries and Information Service, Broadway Theatre,
Events and Community Assets.  James will be leading on grants, Local
Assemblies, Arts, Sports and Leisure. James and Liz will be working
closely together and either can be contacted and they will liaise to ensure
that you receive a response. 


Children and Young People:

Executive Director for Children and Young People, Frankie Sulke has announced
that she is to leave the Council’s employment after 14 years. Frankie has
agreed to stay until the new Executive Director is appointed to ensure strong
continuity. Once appointed, the new Executive Director will play an active part
in recruiting new members of the management team for children and young
people’s services to replace Ian Smith, the Director of Children’s Social Care,
who is moving on to new challenges and Sue Tipler, the Head of Standards and
Achievement who is retiring.

"Just to say a huge thanks ... I am looking forward to progressing with this project thanks to your support, advice and guidance"

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