Since its launch in 2012, the Fund has supported 52 individual projects, bringing together organisations with arts projects, technology providers, and researchers. Each project is testing how digital technology can be used to enhance audience reach and/or develop new business models for the arts.
Posted: 10/03/2022
The five projects currently sharing their results illustrate the breadth of collaborations the Digital R&D Fund supports:
- The Royal Opera House: A new mobile service which allows existing and new audiences to enjoy rich media content about ballet and opera
- Sheffield Doc/Fest: An online, immersive game in Sheffield investigating what is needed to turn public places into spaces for interactive digital art works
- Pavilion Dance South West: A location-based gaming app, which encourages people to film themselves dancing, upload their video to a website, and geo-tag their location
- Unlimited Theatre: A digital publishing platform which takes play scripts and applies techniques of digital storytelling, live theatre and co-design to create new reading experiences.
- Knowle West Media Centre: A data toolkit produced by a group of young people that explores how live and open data can be used as the basis of community-based creative projects.
More information is available from the Nesta website