How can the new Mayor support more children and young people to access the arts? A.N.D outline their message to Mayoral candidates prior to the May elections.
Posted: 02/08/2016
A New Direction say:
We know that not all children and young people benefit from the incredible cultural assets of this city. We know that too many dont take part because they cant afford it, not only the entry costs, but the cost of travel and equipment. We know that overcrowding at home and pressure on community spaces can mean not having anywhere to practice or be creative, and that the way that you can develop your interests, skills and talents in the arts are not obvious for many young people without parental support and knowledge. So there is much to be done…
We want the new Mayor to concentrate on four areas:
- The London Cultural Education Guarantee – Focusing on supporting London schools to help ensure all pupils can take part in a range of artistic and cultural activity
- London Curriculum – Building on this excellent initiative so that it becomes a means for all London pupils to explore and own the culture of their city, along with more cultural organisations contributing to the curriculum and more schools taking part.
- Talent – We need coordinated careers guidance and accelerated access to employment programmes to halt the shocking lack of diversity within the creative sector.
- Space for young people – Children and young people need places to play, work and create. Planning needs to explicitly seek to meet these basic needs for children to help address the closure of youth facilities and the consequences of overcrowded housing.
To find out more go to this page on A.N.D’s website.