Sector News

Lewisham Young Mayor’s Team announces Curriculum for Life

Curriculum for Life is about changing the content, delivery and culture around what young people learn, including a strand around Creativity and Enrichment.

Posted: 26/09/2019

The Lewisham Young Mayor’s Team has been working with partners including schools, the youth sector, voluntary sector and public health to consult young people on what they feel they need to learn to become an active citizen.Among the 6 strands is Creativity & Enrichment with young people asking “How can I express myself?”. This might mean a focus learning about creative writing, acting, making music and visual art, going to cultural events and performances, taking part in creative classes, and learning about getting work in the creative
industries.The other stands are: Health and safetyEmployment and vocationParticipation and inclusionTough core skillsAdult life skillsThrough co-creating a Curriculum for Life with young people, the young mayors team hopes to:Support young people to become who they want to be and able to contribute and create the world they want to live in as critical and engaged citizensIncrease young people’s cultural and social capitalPrepare young people  for the work placeCreate a strategy for people working with young people, in schools and out of school e.g. libraries, youth services around an informal education offerThey will advocate a different way of learning, including: •More group work

•Learning by experience

•More freedom in the classroom

•More discussion and debate can
help with essay writing and evaluation

•Learning through technology;

•Keep it interactive

•Things to help people identify
how they work best

•Competitions and fun

•Inspirational people to learn


•Field trips

•External speakers  Read more about the development of a Curriculum for Life in the attached PDFThe Young Mayor’s Team also have a small
funding pot for schools and organisations to apply to, to try out the kind of activities described in the Curriculum for Life. The deadline is Friday 18th October- go to our opportunities section to find out more.

"Just to say a huge thanks ... I am looking forward to progressing with this project thanks to your support, advice and guidance"

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