LEAN is starting to plan our big annual arts education event, and we have begun discussing possible topics and formats. Do you have any ideas?
Posted: 10/03/2022
Which arts education topics would you like discussed? In what format would you like the event to run? What do you want to get out of the event? What issues are important to you?
We would love to hear from you. Please email your ideas to Jane at jane@leanarts.org.uk. Or you can tweet us at @LEANarts or tell us on LEAN’s Facebook page.
To help you brainstorm ideas, last year’s event, New Landscapes, focused on how the arts could take advantage of changes to school structures and curriculum, and covered the Henley review of cultural education, free schools, academies, the National Plan for Music Education, the Bridge network, English Baccalaureate and the curriculum review. Our 2011 event, Changing Landscapes, debated corporate sponsorship, schools as commissioners, local authority commissioning, and the impact of GP commissioning on arts and health.
Past formats have included guest speakers, small group discussions, quizzes and role playing exercises.