Sector News

LEAN Arts and Health Programme 2013-2014

A partnership programme to support and develop arts and health provision in Lewisham with LEAN and SLaM

Posted: 07/12/2013

LEAN is partnering with SLaM to deliver a programme of work to develop partnerships between arts and mental health services to build capacity, provide and promote services for children, young people, adults.

As part of our Branch Out programme: how to offer creative activities to adults and make it work, we ran two successful seminars for those interested exploring how to offer inclusive workshops for adults with mental health needs in partnership with staff and service users from SLaM. Again, we are seeking to co-produce this new piece of work with colleagues in SLaM; to draw on our combined expertise to influence and deliver an effective programme for our modest budget.

The programme is likely to consist of events, bite-sized training and networking opportunities to those working (or interested in working) in arts and health- we are keen to hear your thoughts.

These activities aim to increase the arts sectors interest, appetite and knowledge of providing a creative offer for those with mental health needs; either specific offers or within their mainstream offer. The programme will look at increasing arts sector and health sector knowledge on how to, what is available and why it is worthwhile having, and using, arts and health offers.

We would love to find out your thoughts and what you are doing in this field

LEAN would like to work with you and support what you do, by jointly promoting what is available in Lewisham, and not replicating what is already happening. Building on the previous audit, please let us know what you are doing, what you offer for people with
mental health needs and any professional development offer you may have.

We also want to consult with you over help sheets we hope to produce, and on developing the most effective way of letting people know about the creative offer for children, young people and adults with mental health needs.

You can contact us on the emails below.

Please keep an eye on the LEAN website and twitter @LEANarts for more information and you can register your interest in the programme by emailing or


"Just to say a huge thanks ... I am looking forward to progressing with this project thanks to your support, advice and guidance"

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