Sector News

Do you want to keep up-to-date with Arts Education in Lewisham? Important changes to General Data Protection Policy

General data protection regulations (GDPR) are changing. Let us know if you would like to keep hearing from LEAN.

Posted: 04/03/2018

You may be aware that the general data protection regulations (GDPR) are changing. This means that if you’d like to remain a member of Lewisham Education Arts Network and receive our monthly general bulletin with upcoming opportunities, events, news and training you need to give us your permission to keep sending you this information to the contact details you have provided.

If you wish to continue receiving these emails from LEAN, you must and give us your permission to keep you in our database. If you do not respond by Friday 11th May you will be removed and therefore will no longer receive this information.

Please note that if you subscribe to any of our other mailing lists (ie. Rainbow Collective, Youth Arts Bulletin, Primary Arts Bulletin or Bellingham Regeneration Arts Network) you will receive a further request to keep your details on the distribution list.

"Just to say a huge thanks ... I am looking forward to progressing with this project thanks to your support, advice and guidance"

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