Sector News

Big Squeeze annual survey 2012 – deadline 11 June

This is the fourth year of LVSC's annual Big Squeeze survey, which looks at the impact of the recession and public spending cuts on London's voluntary and community sector (VCS) and the people who use their services.

Posted: 10/03/2022

Reports summarise the survey results and include recommendations for policy makers, commissioners and LVSC.

Last year’s survey produced findings including:

• 81% said the demand for their services had increased in 2010-2011;

• 51% have closed services in 2010-11;

• 54% expected more services to close in 2011-12;

• 77% expected public sector funding of their organisation to decrease in 2011-12, with those giving a figure expecting a median 31-40% cut;

• 97% said the economic climate had a negative impact on their clients in 2010-11

To complete this year’s questionnaire click here



"Just to say a huge thanks ... I am looking forward to progressing with this project thanks to your support, advice and guidance"

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