Sector News

Arts Council Bridge Organisations – more details announced

£10m of lottery funding will be invested in a network of ten Bridge delivery organisations which will provide a direct bridge between the work of arts organisations and schools and communities.

Posted: 09/07/2011

These Bridge delivery organisations will use their expertise in cultural education to support schools in increasing the number of good artists and great arts opportunities for children. They will also help schools gain Artsmark. The network will also build up and exploit regional knowledge of opportunities where children and young people can engage with the arts both in and out of school and use their expertise to practically support arts organisations, schools and other cultural partners to work together and enhance the lives of their communities.

The ten organisations (one in each region) are (2012/13 funding):

• A New Direction £1,100,100

A New Direction will work with four organisations in London:

  – Sadler’s Wells £75,000*

  – Roundhouse £160,000*

  – Apples and Snakes £55,000*

  – Lyric Hammersmith £160,000*


• Artswork £1,526,000

• BCCSIP £1,124,000

• Cape UK £1,018,000

• Curious Minds – Merseyside £1,351,000

• Norfolk and Norwich Festival £500,000

• Royal Opera House £730,000

• Sage £483,000

• The Mighty Creatives £900,000

• RIO £880,000

The Arts Council describes part of their rationale for creating these Bridge Organisations is to ensure a legacy from Creative Partnerships and the Find Your Talent, now at an end.

More information, contained in ‘Children and young people and the national portfolio’ can be found below, along with the latest Bridge Organisations Briefing.

Lewisham Education Arts Network is interested in hearing your views about the Bridge network. Please contact Jane Hendrie with any comments.

"Just to say a huge thanks ... I am looking forward to progressing with this project thanks to your support, advice and guidance"

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