Sector News

Advertise in Lewisham Life Magazine

Copy deadline for issue published on 26th August 2016.

Posted: 10/03/2022

Lewisham Life is the key source of
information for residents looking to find out what’s going on in the local area.  

The next issue will be distributed on 26th
August 2016
. As you will know, Lewisham Life Magazine is a quarterly
publication with a print run of 126,000 magazines reaching every home and many
businesses across the borough. It’s also available from the mainline stations,
libraries and many other community venues.

The deadline for this issue is the 4th August 

Contact Helen Debenham for more information.

You can also advertise in the Lewisham Life e-newsletter.

"Just to say a huge thanks ... I am looking forward to progressing with this project thanks to your support, advice and guidance"

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