Sector News

Addressing the Dynamic project report available

What Skills Do Project Managers Need And What Do Artists Want From Project Managers. 

Posted: 10/03/2022

Trinity Laban (Learning and Participation teams) designed Addressing the Dynamic as an enquiry-based research project focused on the role and skills of arts project managers. Personnel from Trinity Laban perceived that the role of project managers in building effective relationships with participatory artists is often overlooked but can be imperative to the success of arts participatory work. Addressing the Dynamic therefore asked the question:

What skills do project managers need and what do artists want from project managers to ensure the facilitation of high quality participatory arts projects?

To find out more and read the full report see the entry in our advice and information section.

"Just to say a huge thanks ... I am looking forward to progressing with this project thanks to your support, advice and guidance"

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