Nominate young people you work with to take part focus groups
Open Until:
Posted: 10/08/2013
Nominate young people from your organisation to take part in Focus Groups to help decide on future youth activities in the borough. (You don’t need to be applying for funds to nominate).
There is no limit on how many young people you can nominate to take part.
This is a fantastic opportunity for young people to gain important and transferable skills for their CV, meet new people, have fun and have a say how the Council spends money on young people.
The young people will be involved in shaping the future of Lewisham Youth Service. Lewisham’s new youth-led process counts for 15% of the overall weighting of organisations’ funding applications, which means the youth involvement could be critical to an organisation’s overall success.
Each Focus Group runs for 2 hours and takes place after school from 4pm – 6pm with the majority of Focus Groups based at Laurence House in Catford.
To take part, all young people need to do is complete this nomination form (attached) letting us know key dates they can attend and the best way to contact them. Our team of youth workers and trained facilitators will then talk them through the process. No experience necessary. All young people welcome.
If you have any questions that are not covered in our FAQs ( contact Melissa on the email given below.