Southwark Council are currently recruiting for a Gallery Operator to manage and programme a new non-commercial gallery space on Peckham Library Square.

Open Until:
Posted: 06/08/2016
Southwark Council: Gallery Operator
Deadline: Tuesday 12
July at 5pm.
July at 5pm.
Southwark Council is seeking a gallery operator to manage and programme a new
non-commercial gallery space on Peckham Library Square. The new gallery space,
with a footprint of 337sqm, is part of a mixed development on the ground floor
of a new residential site at the entrance into the square from Peckham High
Street. Our vision for the gallery is to provide a year-round public engagement
programme of high quality exhibitions, artist residencies and events, which
provides a platform for both established and emerging artists, and forms part
of a hub of cultural and creative activity, which is attractive and accessible
to local people. The successful operator will have demonstrable knowledge of
running a gallery venue, a strong business plan to maintain a financially
sustainable model for the use of the spaces and clear evidence of the impact
that their work will have on local residents, audiences and the wider artistic
community/cultural sector.
Peckham town centre is one of the boroughs key regeneration areas. The
significant and growing cultural industries presence in Peckham contributes to
place making, community cohesion, promoting local areas, increased footfall and
economic growth in the borough. The successful operator will also demonstrate
an understanding of the local Peckham context, and how they will respond to and
enhance the town centres unique character and identity.
For further information and to download the Operator brief, visit the website.