A New Direction invites Artsmark Partner organisations to express interest in codelivering an INSET session for teachers as part of their 2020/21 Schools Creative INSET Programme.
Deadline for expressions of interest: 5pm, Sunday 24 May
Open Until:
Posted: 10/03/2022
A New Directions Creative INSET Programme offers a series of full-day INSETs for teachers working in primary, secondary and special schools in London. We have developed a codelivery model for the programme, which benefits schools by introducing them to the broad cultural sector offer in London, as well as supporting them with Artsmark and its wider benefits.
This codelivery model also benefits cultural organisations, enabling them to make connections with schools that may be new to their offer.
The INSET programme also supports schools with Artsmark by advocating for the benefits of the award, and connecting to key strategic priorities that are commonly articulated by schools in their Statement of Commitment, where relevant.
Approach to codelivery
A New Direction is looking to work with five cultural organisations, each to deliver one full-day INSET session in the 20/21 academic year (one per half term from November onwards).
Each session must:
– Be suitable for teachers from primary, secondary and SEND settings (ie KS1 5)
– Accommodate a group of at least 25 participants
– Be a full day (around 9.00am to 3.30pm)
– Include a focus on classroom skills in one or two artforms
– Include signposting to school common key priorities where relevant.
A New Direction has identified the following common key priorities for schools:
The impact of the arts on learning across the curriculum and on raising standards.
Teaching for creativity
Using the arts across the curriculum, particularly in core subjects (eg literacy)
Health and emotional wellbeing, whole child development
Narrowing the gap: e.g. students eligible for pupil premium, BAME students
Inclusion and access
The development of transferable skills
Developing learning character
Embedding SMSC
Student voice and arts council/ ambassador models
The delivery partner will:
– devise and deliver INSET activities
– promote the INSET to their teacher networks
– where possible codeliver part or all the session with a partner school
A New Direction will:
– attend the session to support delivery, particularly regarding Artsmark
– promote the session to their networks (Artsmark and non Artsmark schools)
– handle all bookings
– evaluate the programme and share evaluations with the delivery partner
– provide a budget of up to £2,000 including VAT per organisation
Please submit your completed EOI form by 5pm on Sunday 24 May. Any queries please email chloe.randall@anewdirection.org.uk