
Royal Museums Greenwich are looking for a Data Artist in Residence

In line with four new galleries opening this September, the National Maritime Museum wishes to appoint a creative practitioner for a 6 month residency working with data to analyse, interpret and creatively display the information collected through the RETHINK Digital system.

Deadline for applications: 12 September 

Open Until:

Posted: 10/03/2022

The artist will be embedded in the Museum and have the opportunity to take part in day to day operations such as the Director’s Brief (an all staff meeting behind the scenes) and working with visitors in the galleries. 

They will work closely with the Learning and Interpretation department and have the opportunity to showcase creative outputs within the Museum, on the intranet, website and team brief.

Aims and objectives of the residency

  • To make the data collected accessible and meaningful to our visitors
  • To make the data collected and the means of doing so transparent, and open to all
  • To work with visitors and staff to do all the above
  • To work with the digital designer creating the front end, visitor facing element of the database and influence/inform the look and feel

Your proposal needs to include

  • A PDF portfolio (Examples of your work)
  • An example of how visitor generated data can be interpreted and displayed in a public setting.
  • A budget breakdown and working pattern outline
  • Covering letter
  • CV
  • Proposal of how you will approach the residency

Please send proposals todigitallearning@rmg.co.uk


  • Fee: £15,000 (hours to be negotiated)
  • Residency duration:  6  months
  • Be available for the Big Draw on 29th September
  • Please direct any questions to: Joanna Salter jsalter@rmg.co.uk or Ros Croker RCroker@rmg.co.uk
  • Deadline for applications: Midnight on Wednesday 12th September 

"Just to say a huge thanks ... I am looking forward to progressing with this project thanks to your support, advice and guidance"

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