
Phakama launches Digital Artist Bursaries

Project Phakama is excited to be launching a first round of Digital Artist Bursaries.

Deadline: 20 April 2020 

Open Until:

Posted: 10/03/2022

During this difficult period of physical distancing we want to encourage ways of staying socially connected and increasing solidarity.
We are looking for creative ways for artists to move their practice to digital formats, supporting them to generate new ideas and to reach out to participants who are feeling isolated. We are offering artists seed funding of £500-£1000 which we hope will allow you to test your idea whilst collaborating with and complementing Phakama’s vision: To empower people to be the fullest version of themselves, where participation in, rather
than mastery of, the world is celebrated.
Download the full project brief here. 

If you are interested in applying please email your proposal to Bibi Francis, bibif@projectphakama.org (1 sides of A4 max OR if you prefer create a max. 3 minute video

Please submit by the 30th of each month, applications will be reviewed monthly.

In your proposal please include the following information:

• Title of your project
• The idea
• Why you want to do it

• What you plan to do

• How you will do it
• How much will this project cost and how will you spend the Bursary. (we expect this
to be all or predominantly towards artist fees but please break this down into
planning and delivery time)

You can also send us any supporting images or films (max 6 images and 1 film), preferably
via dropbox.

"Just to say a huge thanks ... I am looking forward to progressing with this project thanks to your support, advice and guidance"

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