
Music Excellence London – Transforming KS3 Music in London Schools

Trinity Laban and partners have been awarded £365k for a professional development programme to support KS3 music in London schools, as a key element of high quality music education for all. 

Open Until:

Posted: 03/06/2014

This will be one of two such
programmes, taking place as part of Music Excellence London and supported by
the DfE and Mayor of London through the London Schools Excellence Fund.

Both will offer free training,
mentoring, online learning (and more) to state and independent schools across
the capital from Summer 2014 – Summer 2015

More information on Music Excellence London can be found here.

Have Your Say Here –  https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/YSYFSYK

Please help us by letting us know how
you think we can best support teachers in developing KS3 music. This is a
Trinity Laban survey for music teachers, school leaders, music hubs and other
educators involved in KS3 curriculum music and will help us refine the details
of our programme.

The survey should take a maximum of 5 minutes to complete.

"Just to say a huge thanks ... I am looking forward to progressing with this project thanks to your support, advice and guidance"

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