As part of an Inquiry into the role of the arts in health and social care, the All Party Parliamentary Group for Arts, Health and Wellbeing is seeking examples of the arts and culture influencing health and wellbeing outcomes.
Open Until:
Posted: 07/07/2016
As part of an Inquiry into the role of the arts in health and social
care, the All Party Parliamentary Group for Arts, Health and Wellbeing is
seeking examples of the arts and culture influencing health and wellbeing
outcomes. The APPG is interested in examples of practice from the past decade,
where there is reasonably reliable evidence of outcomes or evidence that a
pilot or new approach has promise. Submissions are invited of up to 1,000
words, arranged according to headings outlined in the guidance. For the
guidance, definitions and further information about the Inquiry, visit their website.
The deadline for submissions is Friday 19 August 2016.